World War 3 Token is the world's 1st A fomeme is a FUTURE OUTCOME MEME. It's life is based on events from the future that influence the probabilities of the meme itself. By bringing in a new advancement and revolution to the meme culture, World War 3 Token takes the stage to capture the pioneering crown of a new generation of cryptocurrency. In a world that can cause chaos effortlessly due to it's fallen state, the idea of a doomsday world war always seems to knock on the door at humankind's attention. World War 3 Token takes grasp of the nature of Earth and humankind and tokenizes it into a speculation market for a coming world war. World War 3 Token is alive and not a dead and dumb idol of a stupid dog, cat, or frog in which their existence and purpose stops at a corner and then does nothing. Shame on the people and system that want us to be clones into thinking lifeless idol ideas that don't do anything are the key to memecoin success. Shame on the system for forcing that down our throats and shame on those who desperately fall in line and continue to create crap because they can't think outside the box. World War 3 Token is the new and original This is not a get rich quick fix, it's a HODL token. You make your money by being the first to capitalize on what you think will happen before others begin to believe in what you've already known. This mechanism depends on uncontrollable future events. When news corporations, viral hype, and social rumors start inciting the media about WAR---you as a holder will already have the green moon in your possession! World War 3 Token! Buy the rumor, buy the news. Sell the rumor, sell the news.
The World War 3 Token Network is the collaboration of blockchains that have independently released World War 3 Tokens and are a unified representation of the token.